/** PEGjs lexer/parser */ { $this->tu = TexUtil::getInstance(); # get reference of the options for usage in functions. # get reference of the options for usage in functions. $this->options = ParserUtil::createOptions($options); } // first rule is the start production. start = _ t:tex_expr { # assert.ok($t instanceof TexArray); assert($t instanceof TexArray); return ParserUtil::lst2arr($t); } // the PEG grammar doesn't automatically ignore whitespace when tokenizing. // so we add `_` productions in appropriate places to eat whitespace. // Lexer rules (which are capitalized) are expected to always eat // *trailing* whitespace. Leading whitespace is taken care of in the `start` // rule above. _ = [ \t\n\r]* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PARSER //---------------------------------------------------------- tex_expr = e:expr EOF { return $e; } / e1:ne_expr name:FUN_INFIX e2:ne_expr EOF { return new TexArray(new Infix($name, ParserUtil::lst2arr($e1), ParserUtil::lst2arr($e2))); } expr = ne_expr / "" { return new TexArray(); } ne_expr = h:lit_aq t:expr { return new TexArray($h, $t); } / h:litsq_aq t:expr { return new TexArray($h, $t); } / d:DECLh e:expr { return new TexArray(new Declh($d->getFname(), ParserUtil::lst2arr($e))); } litsq_aq = litsq_fq / litsq_dq / litsq_uq / litsq_zq litsq_fq = l1:litsq_dq SUP l2:lit { return new FQ($l1->getBase(), $l1->getDown(), $l2); } / l1:litsq_uq SUB l2:lit { return new FQ($l1->getBase(), $l2, $l1->getUp()); } litsq_uq = base:litsq_zq SUP upi:lit { return new UQ($base, $upi); } litsq_dq = base:litsq_zq SUB downi:lit { return new DQ($base, $downi); } litsq_zq = SQ_CLOSE { return new Literal( "]"); } expr_nosqc = l:lit_aq e:expr_nosqc { return new TexArray($l, $e); } / "" /* */ { return new TexArray(); } lit_aq = lit_fq / lit_dq / lit_uq / lit_dqn / lit_uqn / lit lit_fq = l1:lit_dq SUP l2:lit { return new FQ($l1->getBase(), $l1->getDown(), $l2); } / l1:lit_uq SUB l2:lit { return new FQ ($l1->getBase(), $l2, $l1->getUp()); } / l1:lit_dqn SUP l2:lit { return new FQ(new TexArray(), $l1->getDown(), $l2); } lit_uq = base:lit SUP upi:lit { return new UQ($base, $upi); } lit_dq = base:lit SUB downi:lit { return new DQ($base, $downi); } lit_uqn = SUP l:lit { return new UQ(new TexArray(),$l); } lit_dqn = SUB l:lit { return new DQ(new TexArray(),$l); } left = LEFTI d:DELIMITER { return $d; } / LEFTI SQ_CLOSE { return "]"; } right = RIGHTI d:DELIMITER { return $d; } / RIGHTI SQ_CLOSE { return "]"; } lit = r:LITERAL { return new Literal($r); } // quasi-literal; this is from Texutil.find(...) but the result is not // guaranteed to be Tex.LITERAL(...) / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->nullary_macro_aliase($f); } _ // from Texutil.find(...) { $parser = new Parser(); $ast = $parser->parse($this->tu->nullary_macro_aliase($f), $this->options); assert($ast instanceof TexArray && count($ast->getArgs()) === 1); return $ast->first(); } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->deprecated_nullary_macro_aliase($f); } _ // from Texutil.find(...) { $parser = new Parser(); $ast = $parser->parse($this->tu->deprecated_nullary_macro_aliase($f), $this->options); assert($ast instanceof TexArray && count($ast->getArgs()) === 1); if ($this->options['oldtexvc']){ return $ast->first(); } else { throw new SyntaxError("Deprecation: Alias no longer supported.", [], $this->text(), $this->offset(), $this->line(), $this->column()); } } / r:DELIMITER { return new Literal($r); } / b:BIG r:DELIMITER { return new Big($b, $r); } / b:BIG SQ_CLOSE { return new Big($b, "]"); } / l:left e:expr r:right {return new Lr($l, $r, ParserUtil::lst2arr($e)); } / name:FUN_AR1opt e:expr_nosqc SQ_CLOSE l:lit /* must be before FUN_AR1 */ { return new Fun2sq($name, new Curly(ParserUtil::lst2arr($e)), $l); } / name:FUN_AR1 l:lit { return new Fun1($name, $l); } / name:FUN_AR1nb l:lit {return new Fun1nb($name, $l); } / name:FUN_MHCHEM l:chem_lit { return new Mhchem($name, $l); } / name:FUN_AR2 l1:lit l2:lit { return new Fun2($name, $l1, $l2); } / name:FUN_AR2nb l1:lit l2:lit { return new Fun2nb($name, $l1, $l2); } / BOX / CURLY_OPEN e:expr CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(ParserUtil::lst2arr($e)); } / CURLY_OPEN e1:ne_expr name:FUN_INFIX e2:ne_expr CURLY_CLOSE { return new Infix($name, ParserUtil::lst2arr($e1), ParserUtil::lst2arr($e2)); } / BEGIN_MATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_MATRIX { return new Matrix("matrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_PMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_PMATRIX { return new Matrix("pmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_BMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_BMATRIX { return new Matrix("bmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_BBMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_BBMATRIX { return new Matrix("Bmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_VMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_VMATRIX { return new Matrix("vmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_VVMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_VVMATRIX { return new Matrix("Vmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_ARRAY opt_pos m:array END_ARRAY { return new Matrix("array", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_ALIGN opt_pos m:matrix END_ALIGN { return new Matrix("aligned", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_ALIGNED opt_pos m:matrix END_ALIGNED // parse what we emit { return new Matrix("aligned", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_ALIGNAT m:alignat END_ALIGNAT { return new Matrix("alignedat", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_ALIGNEDAT m:alignat END_ALIGNEDAT // parse what we emit { return new Matrix("alignedat", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_SMALLMATRIX m:(array/matrix) END_SMALLMATRIX { return new Matrix("smallmatrix", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / BEGIN_CASES m:matrix END_CASES { return new Matrix("cases", ParserUtil::lst2arr($m)); } / "\\begin{" alpha+ "}" /* better error messages for unknown environments */ { throw new SyntaxError("Illegal TeX function", [], $this->text(), $this->offset(), $this->line(), $this->column()); } / f:generic_func &{ return !$this->tu->getAllFunctionsAt($f); } { throw new SyntaxError("Illegal TeX function", [], $f, $this->offset(), $this->line(), $this->column()); } // "array" requires mandatory column specification array = cs:column_spec m:matrix { if ($m->getLength() ) { $m->first()->first()->unshift($cs); return $m; } return new TexArray(new TexArray($cs)); } // "alignat" requires mandatory # of columns alignat = as:alignat_spec m:matrix { $m->first()->first()->unshift($as); return $m; } // "matrix" does not require column specification matrix = l:line_start tail:( NEXT_ROW m:matrix { return $m; } )? { return new TexArray( ParserUtil::lst2arr($l), $tail ); } line_start = f:HLINE l:line_start { if ($l->first() === null ) { $l->push(new TexArray()); } $l->first()->unshift(new Literal($f . " ")); return $l;} / line line = e:expr tail:( NEXT_CELL l:line { return $l; } )? { return new TexArray($e, $tail); } column_spec = CURLY_OPEN cs:(one_col+ { return $this->text(); }) CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(new TexArray(new Literal($cs))); } one_col = [lrc] _ / "p" CURLY_OPEN boxchars+ CURLY_CLOSE / "*" CURLY_OPEN [0-9]+ _ CURLY_CLOSE ( one_col / CURLY_OPEN one_col+ CURLY_CLOSE ) / "||" _ / "|" _ / "@" _ CURLY_OPEN boxchars+ CURLY_CLOSE alignat_spec = CURLY_OPEN num:([0-9]+ { return $this->text(); }) _ CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(new TexArray(new Literal($num))); } opt_pos = "[" _ [tcb] _ "]" _ / "" /* empty */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MHCHEM grammar rules //---------------------------------------------------------- chem_lit = CURLY_OPEN e:chem_sentence CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(ParserUtil::lst2arr($e)); } chem_sentence = _ p:chem_phrase " " s:chem_sentence { return new TexArray($p,new TexArray(new Literal(" "),$s)); } / _ p:chem_phrase _ { return new TexArray($p,new TexArray()); } chem_phrase = m:"(^)" { return new Literal($m); } / m:chem_word n:CHEM_SINGLE_MACRO { return new ChemWord($m, new Literal($n)); }/ m:chem_word { return $m; } / m:CHEM_SINGLE_MACRO { return new Literal($m); } / m:"^" { return new Literal($m); } chem_word = m:chem_char n:chem_word_nt { return new ChemWord($m, $n); } / m:CHEM_SINGLE_MACRO n:chem_char_nl o:chem_word_nt { return new ChemWord(new ChemWord(new Literal($m), $n), $o); } chem_word_nt = m:chem_word { return $m; } / "" { return new Literal(""); } chem_char = m:chem_char_nl { return $m;} / c:CHEM_LETTER { return new Literal($c); } chem_char_nl = m:chem_script { return $m;} / CURLY_OPEN c:chem_text CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(new TexArray($c)); } / BEGIN_MATH c:expr END_MATH { return new Dollar(ParserUtil::lst2arr($c)); }/ name:CHEM_BONDI l:chem_bond { return new Fun1($name, $l); } / m:chem_macro { return $m; } / c:CHEM_NONLETTER { return new Literal($c); } chem_bond = CURLY_OPEN e:CHEM_BOND_TYPE CURLY_CLOSE { return new Curly(new TexArray(new Literal($e))); } chem_script = a:CHEM_SUPERSUB b:CHEM_SCRIPT_FOLLOW { return new ChemWord(new Literal($a), new Literal($b)); } / a:CHEM_SUPERSUB b:chem_lit { return new ChemWord(new Literal($a), $b); } / a:CHEM_SUPERSUB BEGIN_MATH b:expr END_MATH { return new ChemWord(new Literal($a), new Dollar(ParserUtil::lst2arr($b))); } // TODO \color is a not documented feature of mhchem for MathJax, at the moment named colors are accepted chem_macro = name:CHEM_MACRO_2PU l1:chem_lit "_" l2:chem_lit { return new ChemFun2u($name, $l1, $l2); }/ //return new Fun1nb($name, $l); name:CHEM_MACRO_2PC l1:CHEM_COLOR l2:chem_lit { return new Fun2($name, $l1, $l2); } / name:CHEM_MACRO_2P l1:chem_lit l2:chem_lit { return new Fun2($name, $l1, $l2); } / name:CHEM_MACRO_1P l:chem_lit { return new Fun1($name, $l); } chem_text = cs:boxchars+ { return new Literal(join('',$cs)); } CHEM_COLOR = "{" _ name:alpha+ _ "}" _ { return new Literal(join('',$name)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LEXER //---------------------------------------------------------- //space = [ \t\n\r] alpha = [a-zA-Z] literal_id = [a-zA-Z] literal_mn = [0-9] literal_uf_lt = [,:;?!\'] delimiter_uf_lt = [().] literal_uf_op = [-+*=] delimiter_uf_op = [\/|] boxchars // match only valid UTF-16 sequences = [-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():\/;?.!'` \[\]\[\u0080-\ud7ff\]\[\ue000-\uffff\]] / l:[\ud800-\udbff] h:[\udc00-\udfff] { return $this->text(); } //aboxchars = [-0-9a-zA-Z+*,=():\/;?.!'` ] BOX = b:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->box_functions($b); } _ "{" cs:boxchars+ "}" _ { return new Box($b, join('', $cs)); } LITERAL = c:( literal_id / literal_mn / literal_uf_lt / "-" / literal_uf_op ) _ { return $c; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->latex_function_names($f); } _ c:( "(" / "[" / "\\{" / "" { return " ";}) _ { return $f . $c; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mediawiki_function_names($f); } _ c:( "(" / "[" / "\\{" / "" { return " ";}) _ { if(is_array($f)) { // This is an unexpected case, but covers the ambiguity of slice in javascript. $fProcessed = implode(array_slice($f, 1)); } else { $fProcessed = substr($f,1); } return "\\operatorname {" . $fProcessed . "}" . $c; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->nullary_macro($f); } _ // from Texutil.find(...) { return $f . " "; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->options['usemathrm'] && $this->tu->nullary_macro_in_mbox($f); } _ // from Texutil.find(...) { return "\\mathrm {" . $f . "} "; } / mathrm:generic_func &{ return $this->options['usemathrm'] && $mathrm === "\\mathrm"; } _ "{" f:generic_func &{ return $this->options['usemathrm'] && $this->tu->nullary_macro_in_mbox($f); } _ "}" _ /* make sure we can parse what we emit */ { return $this->options['usemathrm'] ? "\\mathrm {" . $f . "} " : false;} / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->nullary_macro_in_mbox($f); } _ // from Texutil.find(...) { return "\\mbox{" . $f . "} "; } / mbox:generic_func &{ return $mbox === "\\mbox"; } _ "{" f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->nullary_macro_in_mbox($f); } _ "}" _ /* make sure we can parse what we emit */ { return "\\mbox{" . $f . "} "; } / f:(COLOR / DEFINECOLOR) { return $f; } / "\\" c:[, ;!_#%$&] _ { return "\\" . $c; } / c:[><~] _ { return $c; } / c:[%$] _ { if($this->options['oldtexvc']) { return "\\" . $c; /* escape dangerous chars */ } else { throw new SyntaxError("Deprecation: % and $ need to be escaped.", [], $this->text(), $this->offset(), $this->line(), $this->column()); }} DELIMITER = c:( delimiter_uf_lt / delimiter_uf_op / "[" ) _ { return $c; } / "\\" c:[{}|] _ { return "\\" . $c; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->other_delimiters1($f); } _ // from Texutil.find() { return $f . " "; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->other_delimiters2($f); } _ // from Texutil.find() { $parser = new Parser(); $p = $parser->parse($this->tu->other_delimiters2($f), $this->options); # assert.ok(p instanceof TexArray && p.length === 1); assert($p instanceof TexArray && count($p->getArgs()) === 1); # assert.ok(p.first() instanceof Literal); assert($p->first() instanceof Literal); return $p->first()->getArg(); } FUN_AR1nb = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_ar1nb($f); } _ { return $f; } FUN_AR1opt = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_ar1opt($f); } _ "[" _ { return $f; } NEXT_CELL = "&" _ NEXT_ROW = "\\\\" _ BEGIN = "\\begin" _ END = "\\end" _ BEGIN_MATRIX = BEGIN "{matrix}" _ END_MATRIX = END "{matrix}" _ BEGIN_PMATRIX = BEGIN "{pmatrix}" _ END_PMATRIX = END "{pmatrix}" _ BEGIN_BMATRIX = BEGIN "{bmatrix}" _ END_BMATRIX = END "{bmatrix}" _ BEGIN_BBMATRIX = BEGIN "{Bmatrix}" _ END_BBMATRIX = END "{Bmatrix}" _ BEGIN_VMATRIX = BEGIN "{vmatrix}" _ END_VMATRIX = END "{vmatrix}" _ BEGIN_VVMATRIX = BEGIN "{Vmatrix}" _ END_VVMATRIX = END "{Vmatrix}" _ BEGIN_ARRAY = BEGIN "{array}" _ END_ARRAY = END "{array}" _ BEGIN_ALIGN = BEGIN "{align}" _ END_ALIGN = END "{align}" _ BEGIN_ALIGNED = BEGIN "{aligned}" _ END_ALIGNED = END "{aligned}" _ BEGIN_ALIGNAT = BEGIN "{alignat}" _ END_ALIGNAT = END "{alignat}" _ BEGIN_ALIGNEDAT = BEGIN "{alignedat}" _ END_ALIGNEDAT = END "{alignedat}" _ BEGIN_SMALLMATRIX = BEGIN "{smallmatrix}" _ END_SMALLMATRIX = END "{smallmatrix}" _ BEGIN_CASES = BEGIN "{cases}" _ END_CASES = END "{cases}" _ SQ_CLOSE = "]" _ CURLY_OPEN = "{" _ CURLY_CLOSE = "}" _ SUP = "^" _ SUB = "_" _ // This is from Texutil.find in texvc generic_func = "\\" alpha+ { return $this->text(); } BIG = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->big_literals($f); } _ { return $f; } FUN_AR1 = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_ar1($f); } _ { return $f; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->options['oldmhchem'] && $this->tu->fun_mhchem($f);} _ { return $f; } / f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->other_fun_ar1($f); } _ { if ($this->options['oldtexvc']) { return $this->tu->other_fun_ar1($f); } else { throw new SyntaxError("Deprecation: \\Bbb and \\bold are not allowed in math mode.", [], $this->text(), $this->offset(), $this->line(),$this->column()); } } FUN_MHCHEM = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_mhchem($f); } _ { return $f; } FUN_AR2 = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_ar2($f); } _ { return $f; } FUN_INFIX = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_infix($f); } _ { return $f; } DECLh = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->declh_function($f); } _ { return new Declh($f, new TexArray()); } FUN_AR2nb = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->fun_ar2nb($f); } _ { return $f; } LEFTI = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->left_function($f); } _ RIGHTI = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->right_function($f); } _ HLINE = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->hline_function($f); } _ { return $f; } COLOR = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->color_function($f); } _ cs:COLOR_SPEC { return $f . " " . $cs; } DEFINECOLOR = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->definecolor_function($f); } _ "{" _ name:alpha+ _ "}" _ "{" _ a:( "named"i _ "}" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_NAMED { return "{named}" . $cs; } / "gray"i _ "}" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_GRAY { return "{gray}" . $cs; } / "rgb" _ "}" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_rgb { return "{rgb}" . $cs; } // Note that we actually convert RGB format to rgb format here. / "RGB" _ "}" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_RGBI { return "{rgb}" . $cs; } / "cmyk"i _ "}" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_CMYK { return "{cmyk}" . $cs; } ) { return $f . " {" . join('',$name) . "}" . $a; } COLOR_SPEC = COLOR_SPEC_NAMED / "[" _ "named"i _ "]" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_NAMED { return "[named]" . $cs; } / "[" _ "gray"i _ "]" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_GRAY { return "[gray]" . $cs; } / "[" _ "rgb" _ "]" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_rgb { return "[rgb]" . $cs; } / "[" _ "RGB" _ "]" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_RGBI // Note that we actually convert RGB format to rgb format here. { return "[rgb]" . $cs; } / "[" _ "cmyk"i _ "]" _ cs:COLOR_SPEC_CMYK { return "[cmyk]" . $cs; } COLOR_SPEC_NAMED = "{" _ name:alpha+ _ "}" _ { return "{" . join('', $name) . "}"; } COLOR_SPEC_GRAY = "{" _ k:CNUM + "}" { $s = is_array($k) ? $k[0] : $k; return "{" . $s . "}";} COLOR_SPEC_rgb = "{" _ r:CNUM "," _ g:CNUM "," _ b:CNUM "}" _ { return "{" . $r . "," . $g . "," . $b . "}"; } COLOR_SPEC_RGBI = "{" _ r:CNUM255 "," _ g:CNUM255 "," _ b:CNUM255 "}" _ // Note that we normalize the values to [0,1] here. { return "{" . $r . "," . $g . "," . $b . "}"; } COLOR_SPEC_CMYK = "{" _ c:CNUM "," _ m:CNUM "," _ y:CNUM "," _ k:CNUM "}" _ { return "{" . $c . "," . $m . "," . $y . "," . $k . "}"; } // An integer in [0, 255] => normalize it to [0,1] CNUM255 = n:$( "0" / ([1-9] ([0-9] [0-9]?)? ) ) &{ return intval($n, 10) <= 255; } _ { return $n / 255; } // A floating-point number in [0, 1] CNUM = n:$( "0"? "." [0-9]+ ) _ { return $n; } / n:$( [01] "."? ) _ { return $n; } // MHCHEM LEXER RULES CHEM_SINGLE_MACRO = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_single_macro($f); } { return $f; } / "\\" c:[, ;!_#%$&] { return "\\" . $c; } CHEM_BONDI = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_bond($f); } _ { return $f; } CHEM_MACRO_1P = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_macro_1p($f); } _ { return $f; } CHEM_MACRO_2P = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_macro_2p($f); } _ { return $f; } CHEM_MACRO_2PU = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_macro_2pu($f); } _ { return $f; } CHEM_MACRO_2PC = f:generic_func &{ return $this->tu->mhchem_macro_2pc($f); } _ { return $f; } CHEM_SCRIPT_FOLLOW = literal_mn / literal_id / [+-.*'] CHEM_SUPERSUB = "_" / "^" CHEM_BOND_TYPE = "=" / "#" / "~--" / "~-" / "~=" / "~" / "-~-" / "...." / "..." / "<-" / "->" / "-" / "1" / "2" / "3" // As '$' cannot be used (dangerous char in math mode) to switch from chem mode to math mode // \begin{math} and \end{math} are introduced to do so BEGIN_MATH = BEGIN "{math}" _ END_MATH = END "{math}" _ CHEM_LETTER = [a-zA-Z] CHEM_NONLETTER = c: "\\{" { return $c; } / c: "\\}" { return $c; } / c: "\\\\" { return $c; } / c:[+-=#().,;/*<>|@&\'\[\]] { return $c; } / c:literal_mn { return $c; } / CURLY_OPEN CURLY_CLOSE { return "{}"; } // Missing lexer tokens! FUN_INFIXh = impossible FUN_AR1hl = impossible FUN_AR1hf = impossible FUN_AR2h = impossible impossible = & { return false; } // End of file EOF = & { return $this->peg_currPos === $this->input_length; }