// Excerpts from WikimediaUI Base // == Colors == // WikimediaUI (`wmui`) color palette // See https://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/visual-style_colors.html // Don't use those variables directly, instead define your vars // referring to them as applied further below. @wmui-color-base10: #202122; // = HSB 210°, 6%, 13% // Foreground Colors @color-base: @wmui-color-base10; // Border radius @border-radius: 2px; // MultimediaViewer specific global variables // Height of the area of the metadata bar which is visible without scrolling. @metadatabar-above-fold-height: 86px; // adjust for @metadatabar-below-fold-pushup-height wide bottom padding - that area will be overlapped // by the revealed part of the below-the-fold content @metadatabar-above-fold-inner-height: @metadatabar-above-fold-height - @metadatabar-below-fold-pushup-height; // Height of the top part of the "below-fold" content which is actually above the fold, as a scrolling affordance @metadatabar-below-fold-pushup-height: 30px; @panel-above-fold-background-color: #fff; // Height of the progress bar @progress-bar-height: 14px; // Height of dialogs @dialog-height: 350px; // Arrow size for dialogs @arrow-size: 20px; @arrow-border-size: 2px; @dialog-warning-color: #ffd36e; // Some button things that get included all over @navbutton-width: 18px; @buttons-offset-right: 5px; @buttons-offset-each-top: 37px;