local ustring = {} -- Copy these, just in case local S = { byte = string.byte, char = string.char, len = string.len, sub = string.sub, find = string.find, match = string.match, gmatch = string.gmatch, gsub = string.gsub, format = string.format, } ---- Configuration ---- -- To limit the length of strings or patterns processed, set these ustring.maxStringLength = math.huge ustring.maxPatternLength = math.huge ---- Utility functions ---- local function checkType( name, argidx, arg, expecttype, nilok ) if arg == nil and nilok then return end if type( arg ) ~= expecttype then local msg = S.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)", argidx, name, expecttype, type( arg ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end end local function checkString( name, s ) if type( s ) == 'number' then s = tostring( s ) end if type( s ) ~= 'string' then local msg = S.format( "bad argument #1 to '%s' (string expected, got %s)", name, type( s ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end if S.len( s ) > ustring.maxStringLength then local msg = S.format( "bad argument #1 to '%s' (string is longer than %d bytes)", name, ustring.maxStringLength ) error( msg, 3 ) end end local function checkPattern( name, pattern ) if type( pattern ) == 'number' then pattern = tostring( pattern ) end if type( pattern ) ~= 'string' then local msg = S.format( "bad argument #2 to '%s' (string expected, got %s)", name, type( pattern ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end if S.len( pattern ) > ustring.maxPatternLength then local msg = S.format( "bad argument #2 to '%s' (pattern is longer than %d bytes)", name, ustring.maxPatternLength ) error( msg, 3 ) end end -- A private helper that splits a string into codepoints, and also collects the -- starting position of each character and the total length in codepoints. -- -- @param s string utf8-encoded string to decode -- @return table local function utf8_explode( s ) local ret = { len = 0, codepoints = {}, bytepos = {}, } local i = 1 local l = S.len( s ) local cp, b, b2, trail local min while i <= l do b = S.byte( s, i ) if b < 0x80 then -- 1-byte code point, 00-7F cp = b trail = 0 min = 0 elseif b < 0xc2 then -- Either a non-initial code point (invalid here) or -- an overlong encoding for a 1-byte code point return nil elseif b < 0xe0 then -- 2-byte code point, C2-DF trail = 1 cp = b - 0xc0 min = 0x80 elseif b < 0xf0 then -- 3-byte code point, E0-EF trail = 2 cp = b - 0xe0 min = 0x800 elseif b < 0xf4 then -- 4-byte code point, F0-F3 trail = 3 cp = b - 0xf0 min = 0x10000 elseif b == 0xf4 then -- 4-byte code point, F4 -- Make sure it doesn't decode to over U+10FFFF if S.byte( s, i + 1 ) > 0x8f then return nil end trail = 3 cp = 4 min = 0x100000 else -- Code point over U+10FFFF, or invalid byte return nil end -- Check subsequent bytes for multibyte code points for j = i + 1, i + trail do b = S.byte( s, j ) if not b or b < 0x80 or b > 0xbf then return nil end cp = cp * 0x40 + b - 0x80 end if cp < min then -- Overlong encoding return nil end ret.codepoints[#ret.codepoints + 1] = cp ret.bytepos[#ret.bytepos + 1] = i ret.len = ret.len + 1 i = i + 1 + trail end -- Two past the end (for sub with empty string) ret.bytepos[#ret.bytepos + 1] = l + 1 ret.bytepos[#ret.bytepos + 1] = l + 1 return ret end -- A private helper that finds the character offset for a byte offset. -- -- @param cps table from utf8_explode -- @param i int byte offset -- @return int local function cpoffset( cps, i ) local min, max, p = 0, cps.len + 1 if i == 0 then return 0 end while min + 1 < max do p = math.floor( ( min + max ) / 2 ) + 1 if cps.bytepos[p] <= i then min = p - 1 end if cps.bytepos[p] >= i then max = p - 1 end end return min + 1 end ---- Trivial functions ---- -- These functions are the same as the standard string versions ustring.byte = string.byte ustring.format = string.format ustring.rep = string.rep ---- Non-trivial functions ---- -- These functions actually have to be UTF-8 aware -- Determine if a string is valid UTF-8 -- -- @param s string -- @return boolean function ustring.isutf8( s ) checkString( 'isutf8', s ) return utf8_explode( s ) ~= nil end -- Return the byte offset of a character in a string -- -- @param s string -- @param l int codepoint number [default 1] -- @param i int starting byte offset [default 1] -- @return int|nil function ustring.byteoffset( s, l, i ) checkString( 'byteoffset', s ) checkType( 'byteoffset', 2, l, 'number', true ) checkType( 'byteoffset', 3, i, 'number', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'byteoffset' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end i = i or 1 if i < 0 then i = S.len( s ) + i + 1 end if i < 1 or i > S.len( s ) then return nil end local p = cpoffset( cps, i ) if l > 0 and cps.bytepos[p] == i then l = l - 1 end if p + l > cps.len then return nil end return cps.bytepos[p + l] end -- Return codepoints from a string -- -- @see string.byte -- @param s string -- @param i int Starting character [default 1] -- @param j int Ending character [default i] -- @return int* Zero or more codepoints function ustring.codepoint( s, i, j ) checkString( 'codepoint', s ) checkType( 'codepoint', 2, i, 'number', true ) checkType( 'codepoint', 3, j, 'number', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'codepoint' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end i = i or 1 if i < 0 then i = cps.len + i + 1 end j = j or i if j < 0 then j = cps.len + j + 1 end if j < i then return -- empty result set end i = math.max( 1, math.min( i, cps.len + 1 ) ) j = math.max( 1, math.min( j, cps.len + 1 ) ) return unpack( cps.codepoints, i, j ) end -- Return an iterator over the codepoint (as integers) -- for cp in ustring.gcodepoint( s ) do ... end -- -- @param s string -- @param i int Starting character [default 1] -- @param j int Ending character [default -1] -- @return function -- @return nil -- @return nil function ustring.gcodepoint( s, i, j ) checkString( 'gcodepoint', s ) checkType( 'gcodepoint', 2, i, 'number', true ) checkType( 'gcodepoint', 3, j, 'number', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'gcodepoint' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end i = i or 1 if i < 0 then i = cps.len + i + 1 end j = j or -1 if j < 0 then j = cps.len + j + 1 end if j < i then return function () return nil end end i = math.max( 1, math.min( i, cps.len + 1 ) ) j = math.max( 1, math.min( j, cps.len + 1 ) ) return function () if i <= j then local ret = cps.codepoints[i] i = i + 1 return ret end return nil end end -- Convert codepoints to a string -- -- @see string.char -- @param ... int List of codepoints -- @return string local function internalChar( t, s, e ) local ret = {} for i = s, e do local v = t[i] if type( v ) ~= 'number' then checkType( 'char', i, v, 'number' ) end v = math.floor( v ) if v < 0 or v > 0x10ffff then error( S.format( "bad argument #%d to 'char' (value out of range)", i ), 2 ) elseif v < 0x80 then ret[#ret + 1] = v elseif v < 0x800 then ret[#ret + 1] = 0xc0 + math.floor( v / 0x40 ) % 0x20 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + v % 0x40 elseif v < 0x10000 then ret[#ret + 1] = 0xe0 + math.floor( v / 0x1000 ) % 0x10 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + math.floor( v / 0x40 ) % 0x40 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + v % 0x40 else ret[#ret + 1] = 0xf0 + math.floor( v / 0x40000 ) % 0x08 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + math.floor( v / 0x1000 ) % 0x40 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + math.floor( v / 0x40 ) % 0x40 ret[#ret + 1] = 0x80 + v % 0x40 end end return S.char( unpack( ret ) ) end function ustring.char( ... ) return internalChar( { ... }, 1, select( '#', ... ) ) end -- Return the length of a string in codepoints, or -- nil if the string is not valid UTF-8. -- -- @see string.len -- @param string -- @return int|nil function ustring.len( s ) checkString( 'len', s ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then return nil else return cps.len end end -- Private function to return a substring of a string -- -- @param s string -- @param cps table Exploded string -- @param i int Starting character [default 1] -- @param j int Ending character [default -1] -- @return string local function sub( s, cps, i, j ) return S.sub( s, cps.bytepos[i], cps.bytepos[j+1] - 1 ) end -- Return a substring of a string -- -- @see string.sub -- @param s string -- @param i int Starting character [default 1] -- @param j int Ending character [default -1] -- @return string function ustring.sub( s, i, j ) checkString( 'sub', s ) checkType( 'sub', 2, i, 'number', true ) checkType( 'sub', 3, j, 'number', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'sub' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end i = i or 1 if i < 0 then i = cps.len + i + 1 end j = j or -1 if j < 0 then j = cps.len + j + 1 end if j < i then return '' end i = math.max( 1, math.min( i, cps.len + 1 ) ) j = math.max( 1, math.min( j, cps.len + 1 ) ) return sub( s, cps, i, j ) end ---- Table-driven functions ---- -- These functions load a conversion table when called -- Convert a string to uppercase -- -- @see string.upper -- @param s string -- @return string function ustring.upper( s ) checkString( 'upper', s ) local map = require 'ustring/upper'; local ret = S.gsub( s, '([^\128-\191][\128-\191]*)', map ) return ret end -- Convert a string to lowercase -- -- @see string.lower -- @param s string -- @return string function ustring.lower( s ) checkString( 'lower', s ) local map = require 'ustring/lower'; local ret = S.gsub( s, '([^\128-\191][\128-\191]*)', map ) return ret end ---- Pattern functions ---- -- Ugh. Just ugh. -- Cache for character sets (e.g. [a-z]) local charset_cache = {} setmetatable( charset_cache, { __weak = 'kv' } ) -- Private function to find a pattern in a string -- Yes, this basically reimplements the whole of Lua's pattern matching, in -- Lua. -- -- @see ustring.find -- @param s string -- @param cps table Exploded string -- @param rawpat string Pattern -- @param pattern table Exploded pattern -- @param init int Starting index -- @param noAnchor boolean True to ignore '^' -- @return int starting index of the match -- @return int ending index of the match -- @return string|int* captures local function find( s, cps, rawpat, pattern, init, noAnchor ) local charsets = require 'ustring/charsets' local anchor = false local ncapt, captures local captparen = {} -- Extract the value of a capture from the -- upvalues ncapt and capture. local function getcapt( n, err, errl ) if n > ncapt then error( err, errl + 1 ) elseif type( captures[n] ) == 'table' then if captures[n][2] == '' then error( err, errl + 1 ) end return sub( s, cps, captures[n][1], captures[n][2] ), captures[n][2] - captures[n][1] + 1 else return captures[n], math.floor( math.log10( captures[n] ) ) + 1 end end local match, match_charset, parse_charset -- Main matching function. Uses tail recursion where possible. -- Returns the position of the character after the match, and updates the -- upvalues ncapt and captures. match = function ( sp, pp ) local c = pattern.codepoints[pp] if c == 0x28 then -- '(': starts capture group ncapt = ncapt + 1 captparen[ncapt] = pp local ret if pattern.codepoints[pp + 1] == 0x29 then -- ')': Pattern is '()', capture position captures[ncapt] = sp ret = match( sp, pp + 2 ) else -- Start capture group captures[ncapt] = { sp, '' } ret = match( sp, pp + 1 ) end if ret then return ret else -- Failed, rollback ncapt = ncapt - 1 return nil end elseif c == 0x29 then -- ')': ends capture group, pop current capture index from stack for n = ncapt, 1, -1 do if type( captures[n] ) == 'table' and captures[n][2] == '' then captures[n][2] = sp - 1 local ret = match( sp, pp + 1 ) if ret then return ret else -- Failed, rollback captures[n][2] = '' return nil end end end error( 'Unmatched close-paren at pattern character ' .. pp, 3 ) elseif c == 0x5b then -- '[': starts character set return match_charset( sp, parse_charset( pp ) ) elseif c == 0x5d then -- ']' error( 'Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character ' .. pp, 3 ) elseif c == 0x25 then -- '%' c = pattern.codepoints[pp + 1] if charsets[c] then -- A character set like '%a' return match_charset( sp, pp + 2, charsets[c] ) elseif c == 0x62 then -- '%b': balanced delimiter match local d1 = pattern.codepoints[pp + 2] local d2 = pattern.codepoints[pp + 3] if not d1 or not d2 then error( 'malformed pattern (missing arguments to \'%b\')', 3 ) end if cps.codepoints[sp] ~= d1 then return nil end sp = sp + 1 local ct = 1 while true do c = cps.codepoints[sp] sp = sp + 1 if not c then return nil elseif c == d2 then if ct == 1 then return match( sp, pp + 4 ) end ct = ct - 1 elseif c == d1 then ct = ct + 1 end end elseif c == 0x66 then -- '%f': frontier pattern match if pattern.codepoints[pp + 2] ~= 0x5b then error( 'missing \'[\' after %f in pattern at pattern character ' .. pp, 3 ) end local pp, charset = parse_charset( pp + 2 ) local c1 = cps.codepoints[sp - 1] or 0 local c2 = cps.codepoints[sp] or 0 if not charset[c1] and charset[c2] then return match( sp, pp ) else return nil end elseif c >= 0x30 and c <= 0x39 then -- '%0' to '%9': backreference local m, l = getcapt( c - 0x30, 'invalid capture index %' .. c .. ' at pattern character ' .. pp, 3 ) local ep = math.min( cps.len + 1, sp + l ) if sub( s, cps, sp, ep - 1 ) == m then return match( ep, pp + 2 ) else return nil end elseif not c then -- percent at the end of the pattern error( 'malformed pattern (ends with \'%\')', 3 ) else -- something else, treat as a literal return match_charset( sp, pp + 2, { [c] = 1 } ) end elseif c == 0x2e then -- '.': match anything if not charset_cache['.'] then local t = {} setmetatable( t, { __index = function ( t, k ) return k end } ) charset_cache['.'] = { 1, t } end return match_charset( sp, pp + 1, charset_cache['.'][2] ) elseif c == nil then -- end of pattern return sp elseif c == 0x24 and pattern.len == pp then -- '$': assert end of string return ( sp == cps.len + 1 ) and sp or nil else -- Any other character matches itself return match_charset( sp, pp + 1, { [c] = 1 } ) end end -- Parse a bracketed character set (e.g. [a-z]) -- Returns the position after the set and a table holding the matching characters parse_charset = function ( pp ) local _, ep local epp = pattern.bytepos[pp] + 1 if S.sub( rawpat, epp, epp ) == '^' then epp = epp + 1 end if S.sub( rawpat, epp, epp ) == ']' then -- Lua's string module effectively does this epp = epp + 1 end repeat _, ep = S.find( rawpat, ']', epp, true ) if not ep then error( 'Missing close-bracket for character set beginning at pattern character ' .. pp, 3 ) end epp = ep + 1 until S.byte( rawpat, ep - 1 ) ~= 0x25 or S.byte( rawpat, ep - 2 ) == 0x25 local key = S.sub( rawpat, pattern.bytepos[pp], ep ) if charset_cache[key] then local pl, cs = unpack( charset_cache[key] ) return pp + pl, cs end local p0 = pp local cs = {} local csrefs = { cs } local invert = false pp = pp + 1 if pattern.codepoints[pp] == 0x5e then -- '^' invert = true pp = pp + 1 end local first = true while true do local c = pattern.codepoints[pp] if not first and c == 0x5d then -- closing ']' pp = pp + 1 break elseif c == 0x25 then -- '%' c = pattern.codepoints[pp + 1] if charsets[c] then csrefs[#csrefs + 1] = charsets[c] else cs[c] = 1 end pp = pp + 2 elseif pattern.codepoints[pp + 1] == 0x2d and pattern.codepoints[pp + 2] and pattern.codepoints[pp + 2] ~= 0x5d then -- '-' followed by another char (not ']'), it's a range for i = c, pattern.codepoints[pp + 2] do cs[i] = 1 end pp = pp + 3 elseif not c then -- Should never get here, but Just In Case... error( 'Missing close-bracket', 3 ) else cs[c] = 1 pp = pp + 1 end first = false end local ret if not csrefs[2] then if not invert then -- If there's only the one charset table, we can use it directly ret = cs else -- Simple invert ret = {} setmetatable( ret, { __index = function ( t, k ) return k and not cs[k] end } ) end else -- Ok, we have to iterate over multiple charset tables ret = {} setmetatable( ret, { __index = function ( t, k ) if not k then return nil end for i = 1, #csrefs do if csrefs[i][k] then return not invert end end return invert end } ) end charset_cache[key] = { pp - p0, ret } return pp, ret end -- Match a character set table with optional quantifier, followed by -- the rest of the pattern. -- Returns same as 'match' above. match_charset = function ( sp, pp, charset ) local q = pattern.codepoints[pp] if q == 0x2a then -- '*', 0 or more matches pp = pp + 1 local i = 0 while charset[cps.codepoints[sp + i]] do i = i + 1 end while i >= 0 do local ret = match( sp + i, pp ) if ret then return ret end i = i - 1 end return nil elseif q == 0x2b then -- '+', 1 or more matches pp = pp + 1 local i = 0 while charset[cps.codepoints[sp + i]] do i = i + 1 end while i > 0 do local ret = match( sp + i, pp ) if ret then return ret end i = i - 1 end return nil elseif q == 0x2d then -- '-', 0 or more matches non-greedy pp = pp + 1 while true do local ret = match( sp, pp ) if ret then return ret end if not charset[cps.codepoints[sp]] then return nil end sp = sp + 1 end elseif q == 0x3f then -- '?', 0 or 1 match pp = pp + 1 if charset[cps.codepoints[sp]] then local ret = match( sp + 1, pp ) if ret then return ret end end return match( sp, pp ) else -- no suffix, must match 1 if charset[cps.codepoints[sp]] then return match( sp + 1, pp ) else return nil end end end init = init or 1 if init < 0 then init = cps.len + init + 1 end init = math.max( 1, math.min( init, cps.len + 1 ) ) -- Here is the actual match loop. It just calls 'match' on successive -- starting positions (or not, if the pattern is anchored) until it finds a -- match. local sp = init local pp = 1 if not noAnchor and pattern.codepoints[1] == 0x5e then -- '^': Pattern is anchored anchor = true pp = 2 end repeat ncapt, captures = 0, {} local ep = match( sp, pp ) if ep then for i = 1, ncapt do captures[i] = getcapt( i, 'Unclosed capture beginning at pattern character ' .. captparen[i], 2 ) end return sp, ep - 1, unpack( captures ) end sp = sp + 1 until anchor or sp > cps.len + 1 return nil end -- Private function to decide if a pattern looks simple enough to use -- Lua's built-in string library. The following make a pattern not simple: -- * If it contains any bytes over 0x7f. We could skip these if they're not -- inside brackets and aren't followed by quantifiers and aren't part of a -- '%b', but that's too complicated to check. -- * If it contains a negated character set. -- * If it contains "%a" or any of the other %-prefixed character sets except %z. -- * If it contains a '.' not followed by '*', '+', '-'. A bare '.' or '.?' -- matches a partial UTF-8 character, but the others will happily enough -- match a whole UTF-8 character thinking it's 2, 3 or 4. -- * If it contains position-captures. -- * If it matches the empty string -- -- @param string pattern -- @return boolean local function patternIsSimple( pattern ) local findWithPcall = function ( ... ) local ok, ret = pcall( S.find, ... ) return ok and ret end return not ( S.find( pattern, '[\128-\255]' ) or S.find( pattern, '%[%^' ) or S.find( pattern, '%%[acdlpsuwxACDLPSUWXZ]' ) or S.find( pattern, '%.[^*+-]' ) or S.find( pattern, '%.$' ) or S.find( pattern, '()', 1, true ) or pattern == '' or findWithPcall( '', pattern ) ) end -- Find a pattern in a string -- -- This works just like string.find, with the following changes: -- * Everything works on UTF-8 characters rather than bytes -- * Character classes are redefined in terms of Unicode properties: -- * %a - Letter -- * %c - Control -- * %d - Decimal Number -- * %l - Lower case letter -- * %p - Punctuation -- * %s - Separator, plus HT, LF, FF, CR, and VT -- * %u - Upper case letter -- * %w - Letter or Decimal Number -- * %x - [0-9A-Fa-f0-9A-Fa-f] -- -- @see string.find -- @param s string -- @param pattern string Pattern -- @param init int Starting index -- @param plain boolean Literal match, no pattern matching -- @return int starting index of the match -- @return int ending index of the match -- @return string|int* captures function ustring.find( s, pattern, init, plain ) checkString( 'find', s ) checkPattern( 'find', pattern ) checkType( 'find', 3, init, 'number', true ) checkType( 'find', 4, plain, 'boolean', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'find' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end local pat = utf8_explode( pattern ) if pat == nil then error( "bad argument #2 for 'find' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end if plain or patternIsSimple( pattern ) then if init and init > cps.len + 1 then init = cps.len + 1 end local m if plain then m = { true, S.find( s, pattern, cps.bytepos[init], plain ) } else m = { pcall( S.find, s, pattern, cps.bytepos[init], plain ) } end if m[1] then if m[2] then m[2] = cpoffset( cps, m[2] ) m[3] = cpoffset( cps, m[3] ) end return unpack( m, 2 ) end end return find( s, cps, pattern, pat, init ) end -- Match a string against a pattern -- -- @see ustring.find -- @see string.match -- @param s string -- @param pattern string -- @param init int Starting offset for match -- @return string|int* captures, or the whole match if there are none function ustring.match( s, pattern, init ) checkString( 'match', s ) checkPattern( 'match', pattern ) checkType( 'match', 3, init, 'number', true ) local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'match' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end local pat = utf8_explode( pattern ) if pat == nil then error( "bad argument #2 for 'match' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end if patternIsSimple( pattern ) then local ret = { pcall( S.match, s, pattern, cps.bytepos[init] ) } if ret[1] then return unpack( ret, 2 ) end end local m = { find( s, cps, pattern, pat, init ) } if not m[1] then return nil end if m[3] then return unpack( m, 3 ) end return sub( s, cps, m[1], m[2] ) end -- Return an iterator function over the matches for a pattern -- -- @see ustring.find -- @see string.gmatch -- @param s string -- @param pattern string -- @return function -- @return nil -- @return nil function ustring.gmatch( s, pattern ) checkString( 'gmatch', s ) checkPattern( 'gmatch', pattern ) if patternIsSimple( pattern ) then local ret = { pcall( S.gmatch, s, pattern ) } if ret[1] then return unpack( ret, 2 ) end end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'gmatch' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end local pat = utf8_explode( pattern ) if pat == nil then error( "bad argument #2 for 'gmatch' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end local init = 1 return function () local m = { find( s, cps, pattern, pat, init, true ) } if not m[1] then return nil end init = m[2] + 1 if m[3] then return unpack( m, 3 ) end return sub( s, cps, m[1], m[2] ) end end -- Replace pattern matches in a string -- -- @see ustring.find -- @see string.gsub -- @param s string -- @param pattern string -- @param repl string|function|table -- @param int n -- @return string -- @return int function ustring.gsub( s, pattern, repl, n ) checkString( 'gsub', s ) checkPattern( 'gsub', pattern ) checkType( 'gsub', 4, n, 'number', true ) if patternIsSimple( pattern ) then local ret = { pcall( S.gsub, s, pattern, repl, n ) } if ret[1] then return unpack( ret, 2 ) end end if n == nil then n = 1e100 end if n < 1 then -- No replacement return s, 0 end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then error( "bad argument #1 for 'gsub' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end local pat = utf8_explode( pattern ) if pat == nil then error( "bad argument #2 for 'gsub' (string is not UTF-8)", 2 ) end if pat.codepoints[1] == 0x5e then -- '^': Pattern is anchored -- There can be only the one match, so make that explicit n = 1 end local tp if type( repl ) == 'function' then tp = 1 elseif type( repl ) == 'table' then tp = 2 elseif type( repl ) == 'string' then tp = 3 elseif type( repl ) == 'number' then repl = tostring( repl ) tp = 3 else checkType( 'gsub', 3, repl, 'function or table or string' ) end local init = 1 local ct = 0 local ret = {} local zeroAdjustment = 0 repeat local m = { find( s, cps, pattern, pat, init + zeroAdjustment ) } if not m[1] then break end if init < m[1] then ret[#ret + 1] = sub( s, cps, init, m[1] - 1 ) end local mm = sub( s, cps, m[1], m[2] ) -- This simplifies the code for the function and table cases (tp == 1 and tp == 2) when there are -- no captures in the pattern. As documented it would be incorrect for the string case by making -- %1 act like %0 instead of raising an "invalid capture index" error, but Lua in fact does -- exactly that for string.gsub. if #m < 3 then m[3] = mm end local val, valType if tp == 1 then val = repl( unpack( m, 3 ) ) elseif tp == 2 then val = repl[m[3]] elseif tp == 3 then if ct == 0 and #m < 11 then local ss = S.gsub( repl, '%%[%%0-' .. ( #m - 2 ) .. ']', 'x' ) ss = S.match( ss, '%%[0-9]' ) if ss then error( 'invalid capture index ' .. ss .. ' in replacement string', 2 ) end end local t = { ["%0"] = mm, ["%1"] = m[3], ["%2"] = m[4], ["%3"] = m[5], ["%4"] = m[6], ["%5"] = m[7], ["%6"] = m[8], ["%7"] = m[9], ["%8"] = m[10], ["%9"] = m[11], ["%%"] = "%" } val = S.gsub( repl, '%%[%%0-9]', t ) end valType = type( val ) if valType ~= 'nil' and valType ~= 'string' and valType ~= 'number' then error( 'invalid replacement value (a ' .. valType .. ')', 2 ) end ret[#ret + 1] = val or mm init = m[2] + 1 ct = ct + 1 zeroAdjustment = m[2] < m[1] and 1 or 0 until init > cps.len or ct >= n if init <= cps.len then ret[#ret + 1] = sub( s, cps, init, cps.len ) end return table.concat( ret ), ct end ---- Unicode Normalization ---- -- These functions load a conversion table when called local function internalDecompose( cps, decomp ) local cp = {} local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' -- Decompose into cp, using the lookup table and logic for hangul for i = 1, cps.len do local c = cps.codepoints[i] local m = decomp[c] if m then for j = 0, #m do cp[#cp + 1] = m[j] end else cp[#cp + 1] = c end end -- Now sort combiners by class local i, l = 1, #cp while i < l do local cc1 = normal.combclass[cp[i]] local cc2 = normal.combclass[cp[i+1]] if cc1 and cc2 and cc1 > cc2 then cp[i], cp[i+1] = cp[i+1], cp[i] if i > 1 then i = i - 1 else i = i + 1 end else i = i + 1 end end return cp, 1, l end local function internalCompose( cp, _, l ) local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' -- Since NFD->NFC can never expand a character sequence, we can do this -- in-place. local comp = normal.comp[cp[1]] local sc = 1 local j = 1 local lastclass = 0 for i = 2, l do local c = cp[i] local ccc = normal.combclass[c] if ccc then -- Trying a combiner with the starter if comp and lastclass < ccc and comp[c] then -- Yes! c = comp[c] cp[sc] = c comp = normal.comp[c] else -- No, copy it to the right place for output j = j + 1 cp[j] = c lastclass = ccc end elseif comp and lastclass == 0 and comp[c] then -- Combining two adjacent starters c = comp[c] cp[sc] = c comp = normal.comp[c] else -- New starter, doesn't combine j = j + 1 cp[j] = c comp = normal.comp[c] sc = j lastclass = 0 end end return cp, 1, j end -- Normalize a string to NFC -- -- Based on MediaWiki's UtfNormal class. Returns nil if the string is not valid -- UTF-8. -- -- @param s string -- @return string|nil function ustring.toNFC( s ) checkString( 'toNFC', s ) -- ASCII is always NFC if not S.find( s, '[\128-\255]' ) then return s end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then return nil end local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' -- First, scan through to see if the string is definitely already NFC local ok = true for i = 1, cps.len do local c = cps.codepoints[i] if normal.check[c] then ok = false break end end if ok then return s end -- Next, expand to NFD then recompose return internalChar( internalCompose( internalDecompose( cps, normal.decomp ) ) ) end -- Normalize a string to NFD -- -- Based on MediaWiki's UtfNormal class. Returns nil if the string is not valid -- UTF-8. -- -- @param s string -- @return string|nil function ustring.toNFD( s ) checkString( 'toNFD', s ) -- ASCII is always NFD if not S.find( s, '[\128-\255]' ) then return s end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then return nil end local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' return internalChar( internalDecompose( cps, normal.decomp ) ) end -- Normalize a string to NFKC -- -- Based on MediaWiki's UtfNormal class. Returns nil if the string is not valid -- UTF-8. -- -- @param s string -- @return string|nil function ustring.toNFKC( s ) checkString( 'toNFKC', s ) -- ASCII is always NFKC if not S.find( s, '[\128-\255]' ) then return s end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then return nil end local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' -- Next, expand to NFKD then recompose return internalChar( internalCompose( internalDecompose( cps, normal.decompK ) ) ) end -- Normalize a string to NFKD -- -- Based on MediaWiki's UtfNormal class. Returns nil if the string is not valid -- UTF-8. -- -- @param s string -- @return string|nil function ustring.toNFKD( s ) checkString( 'toNFKD', s ) -- ASCII is always NFKD if not S.find( s, '[\128-\255]' ) then return s end local cps = utf8_explode( s ) if cps == nil then return nil end local normal = require 'ustring/normalization-data' return internalChar( internalDecompose( cps, normal.decompK ) ) end return ustring