Common Sentences
- Welcome!
- hairo!
- Hello!
- elo! (formal)
- hai! (informal)
- I am/My name is <name>.
ie un <name+suffix> aijego. un Yuukila aijego.
My name is Yuuki. (lit. "I am Yuuki")- In less formal situations, it can also be simplified by omitting the verb and adposition. e.g.
ie un Yuukila.
(lit. "I'm Yuuki"),ie Yuukila.
(lit. "I [am] Yuuki")
- I'm sorry.
- used to apologize for minor mistakes:
iefee naelaen.
(informal, also used as equivalent to "excuse me")
- used to apologize for unforeseen circumstances or overall more serious mistakes:
(can be used before "iefee naelaen" for a more serious apology)
- used to show empathy towards the listener:
(both as noun and verb)- as a noun:
iefee naielaori vaifee aijego.
, meaning "you have my sympathies." (lit. "my empathy is yours.")
- as a verb:
, essentially means "I'm here for you". Used on its own as an informal and affectionate demonstration of empathy and care.
- Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Good morning (lit. "morning happened")maakariga
Good afternoon (lit. "afternoon happened")ishukariga
Good evening (lit. "evening happened")nekariga
Good night (lit. "night fell"/"[place] went dark")
- Thank you.
Thank you/Thanksmiojaami
Thank you so much (informal, lit. "much thanks")kaan jaami
Thank you very much (formal, lit. "big thanks")