{{!- Page titlebar - Main

title for all pages, with either the indicators or language selector. When language button is visible, indicators are placed in the BeforeContent.mustache template instead. }}
{{#data-toc}} {{! Checkbox hack used by collapsed TOC on narrow viewports for no JS users }} {{! TOC is moved into this dropdown from the sidebar in stickyHeader.js. }} {{/data-toc}} {{{html-title-heading}}} {{#has-buttons-in-content-top}} {{#data-lang-btn}} {{>LanguageDropdown}} {{/data-lang-btn}} {{#data-add-topic-button}} {{>Button}} {{/data-add-topic-button}} {{/has-buttons-in-content-top}} {{^has-buttons-in-content-top}} {{>Indicators}} {{/has-buttons-in-content-top}}